Valentine’s Day Survival Guide

Valentine’s Day Survival Guide

Here is the list to end all Valentine’s Day lists. My very own top 5 survival tips for Valentine’s Day. Now, you may think that these suggestions are crazy and or a bit off the wall but I assure you they are THE top 5. So without any further delay here they are. Get your note pads ready.

5 – Buy Flowers…just not today

If you were to buy stock in flowers you should’ve bought them yesterday to sell them around 2pm today. They are the most expensive thing you will buy today. Instead purchase a bouquet of flowers once a month. The cost is exactly the same. Go ahead do the math, I’ll wait. If you purchase a bouquet every month even in February (just not on Valentine’s Day) your significant other will smile and so will you.

4 – Valentine’s Cards…it’s elementary

Remember when you went to elementary school and you would receive a card from every child in your class?… that was awesome. Why not relive that in your adulthood? I buy two boxes and hide them all over the house just so my wife will find them. Once she found one 8 months after February 14. That stands as my record.

3 – Notting Hill…and nothing else

If the suggestion of watching a romantic comedy comes up select Notting Hill. It’s a scientific fact that you cannot deny. This movie is awesome. You either select Notting Hill or you are wrong. It’s that simple.

2 – Say I Love…just do it everyday

When someone says they love you your mood quite often changes. This should not be a one day thing. It should be an everyday thing. If you have heard this here first and have gotten this far, I salute you.


This is a PSA for all of the males out there. If you have forgotten it’s Valentine’s Day and are on your way home from work and think going to the mall is a great idea. DON”T…its a bad idea. You will make a bad decision, trust me. Just write a letter instead. Stop the car and write the 5 things about your partner that you love. That means allot more.

Ok…you can put your notepads down.


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