Cassandra & Nelson’s Wedding !!!

How did the two of you meet?
Nelson and I met through a mutual friend (his best man). We would all hang out at the local Tim Horton’s and one day I decided to tell our mutual friend that I thought his friend was hot. The next day I received a phone call from Nelson and the rest was history. To be honest, I wasn’t’t thatttt interested at first. I thought he was hot, but wasn’t’t sure if there was any substance in that pretty little head lol especially because all he did was laugh all the time (still does). As we got to know each other more, I learned to know that he was very bright. He knew more valuable information than I did, and I’m the one who has the degree and diploma.

How long have you been together ?
We have been together just over five years.

Tell us about your favorite date together.
I don’t know that we have a favourite date together. We both love to travel and having been to a number of different places, it has allowed us to experience different exciting things. It would be too difficult to pin point one favourite. We also used to rent cottages with a bunch of our friends throughout the summers, I think those were some of our favourite times as well. Whenever there is a beach, sun, and each other; those are our happiest moments. *

What is your favorite thing about one another?
We both share a lot of the same qualities; we’re both easy going and laid back. I love how we both know when it’s time to step up when the other just  doesn’t care to. I love his drive and motivation that get all of his goals accomplished. I love how he’s just the right amount of romantic for me. He doesn’t sing me love songs, or throw rose pedals in the soaker tub (because I would gag). He does so much for me without me having to ask or even think about it. His sense of humor and ball breaking ways keeps a huge smile on both our faces. Can’t forget his OCD cleanliness; I mean who wouldn’t’t want a guy who cleans to perfection?I don’t have

A favourite, they’re all my favourite. That’s why I married
her? *

How did he propose?
Nelson and I went to NYC for our third anniversary together. On the actual date of our anniversary, he asked for us to go take a horse carriage ride through Central Park. We did the ride in the evening and he was acting all weird and quiet. The ride was over, we got off the carriage, and started walking in the direction of Times Sq. Nelson kept stalling and just looking around, so I was like what are you doing, let’s go! He responded “I’m admiring the buildings.” When in reality, he was crapping his pants lol. Finally, I turned around and he was on one knee and had asked me to marry him. Unfortunately, I had known the whole time because he’s not very good at hiding things. Nonetheless, it was fun to watch him squirm in nerves and was still so very romantic.

Venue: Mississauga Convention Centre

Serge Medina - August 14, 2013 - 5:08 pm

The pix look absolutely amazing. Congrats once again on a wonderful wedding and great celebration.

Krista J. - August 14, 2013 - 5:40 pm

These pictures are absolutely amazing! You guys look fantastic and I must say you have a pretty good looking bridal party! *Wink wink 🙂
The day was so great and everything looked amazing!
Congrats again and love you guys!
Xoxo Krista

Tanya M - August 14, 2013 - 6:36 pm

Gorgeous photos! You were a sunning bride, Cassandra 🙂

Jennifer Drumonde - August 14, 2013 - 8:24 pm

These pictures look amazing. You guys are a great couple. Love u both.

Jackie - August 14, 2013 - 11:35 pm

Great pictures!!!
Had a fabulous night with you, all the best!!

Dalilah Jesus - August 15, 2013 - 12:14 pm

Cassandra and Nelson these photos certainly capture not only what a beautiful couple you are but memories of the most elegant and fun wedding ever. We love you dearly…congratulations to you both!!

Isabel - August 17, 2013 - 10:43 am

Chris Cabral: Great JOB! (of course, I gave you half the material to work with)…:-)

Cassandra & Nelson: – May you be as happy together 50 years from now as you were the day of your wedding…(and a mighty fine wedding it was!…if anyone else is looking for a wedding planner, my calendar has become available)….:-)

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