
Alleyways – Location Scouting Part 3

Alleyways make everyone feel a little different. There are those who are a bit on the timid side, and will never enter an alleyway…EVER. There are those on the fence. A little afraid of what lies around the next corner but too proud to admit it. Finally there is the urban adventurer like me who loves the part that comes right before not knowing what around the corner in that alleyway and is a bit disappointed when your imagination is a lot more active than reality. I love walking down any and all alleyways in Toronto and believe it or not in any city that I have visited. Alleyways are more of an escape than just following everyone else and using a busy street full of people. In an alleyway you can find great color, textures, not smells, never smells. 2 out of 3 is not bad at all. In all seriousness on this location scouting mission we walked a fair distance in the west end of Toronto up and down many alleyways to look for anything different. Every place you go can be a great location for photography you just have to see first. Alleyways are a great passage away from the ordinary we see everyday. That is a look we strive for in our photography. A trip just outside of the ordinary that we can make beautiful.

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