8 Tips For A Great Wedding Day First Look

8 Tips For A Great Wedding Day First Look


In life just as in any photography session timing is everything. In order to have a great first look you need to have a great timeline to work with. You need to set aside a proper amount of time to let the first look have the greatest impact. The time you have could be 5 minutes but the images of your first look at each other on your wedding day is priceless and the most honest images of your wedding day.


It would be great to have a private location all to yourselves and yes you can have that but sometimes you need a little more secrecy. That can be found anywhere and at anytime. Ideally you with just the two of you but family, friends and bridal party can come to. Just try to be as silent as possible and not let any “surprises” out.


Maybe the most important is location but we put it in the middle for fun and to throw you off. A great first look location can be anywhere but works best when there is a path and or wall to separate you both and to add a sense of mystery. Maybe even a little private spot that gives you a few moments alone and to let it sink in.

Have Fun With It

Add a few props like a blindfold. But keep it PG there may be children present, if not you can go all out fifty shades. That’s a joke…I think. You can bring anything into play as long as it fits with your personality.

Be Yourself

There is nothing less authentic than trying to be something you are not. Be true to yourself and let the moment feel and look right. If you try to do too much or something you are not accustomed to it will show, photography does not lie.

Involve Others

Have a large group with you? Make them do something. You can get a whole bunch of balloons and create a balloon wall. Have a load countdown and let them fly. Make sure no clowns are around or your photographer may have breakdown…I am deathly afraid of clowns FYI


Long before talk out the game plan. Go over angles, timing, location and any little question you may have. Nothing sounds worse out load than someone saying “What do I do now”. It works best and photographs well as one big fluid motion.

Focus On Each Other

Do not get distracted the first look is as it sounds. It is the first look you each have onto one another on your wedding day. It should be special and involve just the two of you. Unless something extremely rare is happening (like a UFO landing) than you should just look at one another.




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